New Afton Mine Thickened and Amended Tailings Building THE PROJECT The thickened and amended tailings project uses an industrial concrete foundation system designed for the projects tailings thickener. Acres was responsible for the completion of concrete foundations...
TECK Highland Valley Copper THE PROJECT Highland Valley Copper (HVC) Operations is a copper and molybdenum operation located in south-central British Columbia, HVC produces both copper and molybdenum concentrates through autogenous and semi-autogenous grinding and...
Pretivm, Gold Mine WHY ACRES? Efficient Flexible Innovative During this project, we utilized peri from works to accelerate camp concrete footings after the civil contractor over blasted +- 7 feet, which caused a significant project delay. We utilized less carpenters...
New Afton, New Gold: Buildings, Tailings, and Infrastructure THE PROJECT Structural and architectural concrete, structural steel, tailings dams and ponds, liner installations, large scale earthworks, erosion and sediment control, dewatering, pump houses, booster...
Moly-Cop Grinding Media Expansion MANUFACTURING COMPANY Structural and architectural concrete, structural steel, tailings dams and ponds, liner installations, large scale earthworks, erosion and sediment control, dewatering, pump houses, booster stations. WHY ACRES?...
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