Time to fall back safely! ⏰ Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 3rd, which means it’s time to set those clocks back an hour! While adjusting the clock seems easy enough, our internal clocks may need a bit of help adjusting. As the days get darker, you...
Scroll through to see more photos from this fun team event! At Acres, we understand balance. We also understand that in order to work well together as a team, you need to have fun together, too. In the month of September, we were pleased to host our annual Acres Open,...
Having just marked National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30th, we understand that playing an active role in reconciliation and healing goes beyond one designated day. Acres stands in solidarity with all Indigenous Peoples as work continues towards...
Looking back at a standout project from 2014 to 2016, Acres was the contractor of choice for the Merritt Green Energy Biomass Plant. In Phase 1, Acres took the lead in early works construction, providing early works construction including site stripping and leveling,...
Scroll through the photos to see how this project came to life. In 2020, Acres reached a milestone achievement in the Thompson Nicola, carrying out a monumental 2,200m³ concrete pour for the Thickened Amended Tailings (TAT) Building at New Gold Mine. This...
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